Naughty Amelia Jane by Enid Blyton

Rs.499 Rs.399

"Enid Blyton's enchanting tale, "Naughty Amelia Jane," introduces young readers to the lively and lovable Amelia Jane, a doll with a penchant for pranks. Set in the enchanting realm of toyland, this book follows Amelia Jane's escapades that frequently lead to laughter and occasional chaos for her toy companions. Blyton's skillful storytelling captures the essence of childhood innocence and the spirit of adventure, while gently weaving in lessons about empathy and consequences. With each amusing episode, Amelia Jane's character evolves, making this book a charming choice for children exploring the magic of friendship and learning."

"Enid Blyton's enchanting tale, "Naughty Amelia Jane," introduces young readers to the lively and lovable Amelia Jane, a doll with a penchant for pranks. Set in the enchanting realm of toyland, this book follows Amelia Jane's escapades that frequently lead...
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"Enid Blyton's enchanting tale, "Naughty Amelia Jane," introduces young readers to the lively and lovable Amelia Jane, a doll with a penchant for pranks. Set in the enchanting realm of toyland, this book follows Amelia Jane's escapades that frequently lead to laughter and occasional chaos for her toy companions. Blyton's skillful storytelling captures the essence of childhood innocence and the spirit of adventure, while gently weaving in lessons about empathy and consequences. With each amusing episode, Amelia Jane's character evolves, making this book a charming choice for children exploring the magic of friendship and learning."